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Healthy choices landing page section

January 30, 2018 1:29 pm Published by Comments Off on Healthy choices landing page section

Healthy Choices change

The heart of our nursery is the kitchen, both literally and figuratively. All of our rooms flow around this fundamental central point. At the Mulberry Bush we are totally committed to healthy eating from when our babies start weaning. Our children are able to sample different tastes and textures while enjoying healthy, homemade meals and snacks which will lay the foundations for an understanding and enjoyment of healthy eating, hopefully forever!

“Healthy eating and physical activity are essential for proper growth and development in childhood. To help children develop patterns of healthy eating from an early age, it is important that the food and eating patterns to which they are exposed – both at home and outside the home – are those which promote positive attitudes to good nutrition. “

Eating well for under-5s in child care; Practical and nutritional guidelines. Second edition By Dr Helen Crawley 2006

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